IP Addresses

IP addresses in a rule header tell Snort what source and destination IP addresses a given rule should apply to. A rule will only match if the source and destination IP addresses of a given packet match the IP addresses set in that rule.

They can be declared in one of four ways:

  • As a numeric IP address with an optional CIDR block (e.g.,,
  • As a variable defined in the Snort config that specifies a network address or a set of network addresses (e.g., $EXTERNAL_NET, $HOME_NET, etc.)
  • The keyword any, meaning any IP address
  • A list of IP addresses, IP address variables, and/or port ranges, enclosed in square brackets and separated by commas (e.g., [,])

Two IP address declarations are made in a single rule header: the source IP addresses declared after the protocol field and the destination IP addresses declared after the direction operator.

Note: IP address declarations can also be negated to tell Snort to match any IP address except for the ones listed. This negation is done with the ! operator.


# look for traffic sent from the subnet to the
# subnet
alert tcp any -> any (
# look for traffic sent from addresses included in the
# defined $EXTERNAL_NET variable to addresses included in the defined
# $HOME_NET variable
alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HOME_NET 80 (
# look for traffic sent from any source network to the IP address,
alert tcp any any -> 445 (
alert tcp ! any -> 23 (
alert tcp ![,] any -> [,] 80 (